Welcome to the homepage of the National Graduate Tracking Survey, which is conducted by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth (MESY), in cooperation with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Cyprus Limited.

The NGTS collects data on the experiences of graduates from their studies in Cyprus Higher Education Institutions and the impact of these experiences on their professional lives. This will help us improve graduates’ employability as well as the connection between Cyprus Higher Education and the labour market.

Participants for this second cycle are:

  • Graduates of the academic years 2018-2019 and 2022-2023 from all Cyprus Higher Education Institutions.
  • Graduates from Programs of Study that led to the acquisition of one of the following degrees: Certificate, Diploma, Higher Diploma, Bachelor, Master or Doctorate.

You are invited to complete an online questionnaire which takes approximately 10-12 minutes. You can interrupt the completion of the questionnaire at any time and return to where you left by clicking on the direct link again or by typing the access code sent to you by the Higher Education Institution you have graduated from.

Your participation in the survey is voluntary but very important. Your responses will remain anonymous and will be kept confidential.

Following the completion of the questionnaire, you will receive a gift (15% discount for purchases at MODE&, the online marketplace of Voici La Mode group of companies) and will also participate in a draw to win big prizes (flight ticket, hotel stay and gift vouchers).

Please enter your personal access code below, which was sent to you by the Higher Education Institution you graduated from, to start completing the questionnaire. In case you did not receive your access code, you can contact the Higher Education Institution from which you graduated so that it can be communicated to you (please refer to the list of contact persons from each Higher Education Institution which is available here).

Thank you very much for your time and contribution. 

Please enter your personal access code below to complete the questionnaire.

Do you have any questions?

In case of questions about general information on the research project or about data protection, the staff members of both the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth and PwC Cyprus will be happy to support:

Revecca Nicolaidou (PwC):
Tel: +357 22555646
Email: cy_graduatetracking@pwc.com

Alexandra Petridou (MESY):
Tel: +357 22800966
Email: apetridou@moec.gov.cy